Seeker, I don't think what you see is 'anti-intellectualism'. It's anti-impenetrability. Duns is using philosophical pseudointellectualism as a weapon, for no other reason than to amuse himself, at the expense of those he self-admittedly views as vile and apostate. Every moment spent trying to penetrate his impenetrable doubletalk is a moment wasted, one that rightfully could be spent debunking the evil cult he endorses wholeheartedly. He likes it that way. He gets a jolt out of talking down to others, obviously, and has admitted that his dabbling here is mere dilettantism. He has no respect for anyone here; he shouldn't expect any in return. Especially since he is too chickenshit to come out and play under the same persona with which he defends the cult. Of course, if he did that, he would have to face the elders yet again, and he has already said in one of his previous incarnations that he prefers to make up new personalities in order to avoid that. Why should anyone give a second's respect or consideration to a lying coward? He has certainly done exactly nothing to warrant any. He deserves every ounce of scorn and derision he's bought for himself here.
Just because a troll has a set of Britannica's Great Philosophers and a thesaurus, doesn't make him any less a stinking troll.